Wednesday 28 March 2012

Nerves before the Fury!!

After much consideration i've decided to write my latest entry on the eve of a big night of football. Depending on results, i'll possibly do 1 more before i go away to spain for 7 days.

Anyhoo, all the nerves and tension that comes with a quarterfinal appearance is upon me. For whatever reason (if any are logical!!) i can't see Barca just merely strolling through Milan. Milan have an old team nowadays and the fact Thiago Silva will be missing for them can only be seen as a bonus for the Blaugrana. BUT, and its a huge BUT, Milano have some exciting talent going forwards and they appear to be fit for this match. The class act that is Seedorf is back fit, KP Boateng is unusual in style but highly effective and Robinho back fit again. Of course i've left the cream of their crop till last......Zlatan Ibrahimovic. This is a controversial footballer over the past 10 years or so, however he still remains one of my players to watch. His workrate is laughable but his skill and touch is magical. For whatever reason at Barca, it didn't work out for him but don't assume he's taken a step backwards moving to Milan. He's merely gone back to a country he loves, a style of football that suits and the general Italian public have taken to him.

Barca will have the usual suspects lurking with intent in Xavi, Iniesta, Cesc etc etc. Oh yeah and a little man called Messi. Enough has been said by me about him and his standing in the game. This is just another game for him and my money will be on Milan doing all they can to put him out of the 2nd leg next week.

The other crucial match tonight is a small derby match from my home county.....Sheffield United (the pigs, blunts, grunters etc) vs Chesterfield. Chessie are coming off a huge win for them at Wembley in the JP Trophy and surely confidence will be sky high for their 1st league game since. Its a MASSIVE match for us Sheffield Wednesday fans as this is, yet again, a game in hand the pigs have on us. If they win or draw then they move back above us in the hunt for promotion. If they lose (please dear lord) then we stay above them and are equal on games played. This is why it is huge tonight.

My Canucks team also play tonight and as the regular season draws to a close, momentum has to be taken into the playoffs. We've stumbled a bit over past weeks and our main offensive threat has been put on injury status due to a shocking hit which has resulted in his concussion. From somewhere the nucks have got to get the scoring machine running again and after a huge win vs the Kings (thanks to Luongo's masterclass!) my bet is on us now going on a run.

Adios amigos

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