Monday 19 March 2012

So here we go. First post of my new blog!! How terribly exciting!
Firstly just let me pass on my thoughts and prayers for a young footballer who is fighting for his life in London: Fabrice Muamba. He collapsed onto the ground during a football match between Bolton (his club) and Spurs. Thankfully the paramedics got to him quickly and did everything they could to keep him here. He's now fighting for his life so i'd like to say Keep Fighting Fabrice!!

This is a bit cheeky of me but first blog nerves are getting the better of me, so.......

Lastly, i'd like to have my say over a discussion i have had with friends. Whether Lionel Messi is the greatest ever?? Let me just say, that i believe he is the best of his generation, we cannot and must not say he is the best ever. Or even he might be the best ever. Football is all about generations, from the great teams of the past to the current best. All you can ever be is the best of your time and that's where i would place Messi. He's special, talented but lets not forget he plays in the best current team aswell. The likes of Andres Iniesta, Xavi, David Villa, Carles Puyol etc etc help him on a daily basis and no 1 man can ever win a match. Its a team sport made up of workers brushed with talent. The thing that makes Messi stand out is his standing as a human being. For a man of 24 he is as level headed and down to earth as any 'superstar' of sport. In 5 years time, will we have another to talk about like Messi?

Ciao for now

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